Vernal Mag
A small magazine I published exploring the connection between nature and faith. Taking from experiences I've had in the outdoors, books I've read, and people who have spoken into this area of my life, I curated images I've taken and poems I've written to express this idea.
"What is it about wilderness experiences that causes us to ponder the spiritual?
I remember reading in a mountaineering textbook that we go to wild places and come back changed, we commune with something higher than ourselves. This was a secular textbook that acknowledged something about being in creation that is inherently spiritual.
An acknowledgement that there is divinity ingrained into the very ground we stand on. Going into these spaces seems to open us up to God. No matter who we are. Some may recognize this force as God, others may identify it as “energy” or some other new age term. They are all realizing at a basic level that there is an order and an end to nature that seems to prove the existence of some intelligent design. I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who spends a lot of time in wilderness spaces who is fully atheist.
I’ve heard it said that God wrote two books; the Bible and the natural world. The incarnation of the invisible God started with Genesis 1. From the beginning God has been revealing himself in physical form.
In this short zine I hope to explore that idea, God incarnate in the world he created."